Post by slidershal on Jun 15, 2004 18:39:10 GMT -5
Read my essay about the [url=http://www.mutantxphoenix.com/Pheonix/BrenShalT1.htm ]BrenShal Thing on PhoeniX![/url]
Feel free to post questions or commets in this thread ;D
Post by Shalgal on Sept 16, 2004 22:57:37 GMT -5
You did a wonderful job Slider. ;D
Post by slidershal on Sept 17, 2004 20:54:56 GMT -5
AWWWW thanks Shalgal. Your 'UnThing' really inspired me. As a defender of the Bren/Shal faith, I had to write it ;D
Post by Libby on Sept 20, 2004 15:12:45 GMT -5
Hi :wave:
Well I went over to the other thread and had a good read. In fact come bedtime I was still reading..
My problem is trying to get you and other Bren/Shel supporters to understand what I am trying to put across.
I went to sleep that night thinking of the whole Mutant X series which is something I haven't done for many weeks. Just reading your thoughts bought back all the chemistry and closeness between Bren/Shal. I couldn't possibly have put together what has been said.
And yet there lingers a certain 'but' concerning the relationship between this couple. At times in mutant x where I have thought well for couple who are well on the way to being in love with each other there has been that certain something which has hinted at a destructive relationship. For some reason I still can't get that scopion woman out of my mine or Riley. I wish that I could say that I watched every episode of Mutant X without worrying about whether Shal or Bren would meet someone else and either flirt or have some sort of relationship with that person. I use to get butterflies in my stomach whenever either a beautiful woman or fit gy came on screen thining oh sh this means trouble. I couldn't honestly say that this wouldn't happen because it has and did.
So I loved the interaction between Bren/Shal but still felt that I could not trust either one of them.
The whole sex between them was how they would have treated a someone they had met briefly. I watched this eppy once waiting for some sign of something special between I didn't find one did anyone else.
At the end of the day for me mutant X was at times about the chemistry between Bren/Shal but i ended up more interested in Jessie/Lexa. The chemistry and love beginning to show between these two was awsome. This I find really upsetting.
The attraction between Shal/Bren was so evident in each eppy but i couldn't decide where the love story between was going.
Right sermon over.
Post by slidershal on Sept 23, 2004 16:50:39 GMT -5
That was really good Libby That's why I always wanted to see what would happen if they fell for each other, like all the way. Would they self-destruct? At the end of the day though, I think they would both figure out who it was that really meant something to them, not that they wouldn't screw up along the way... *sigh* I would assume you are reffering to 'The Assault'. I am big time PO'ed at Peter Mohan for what he did with Bren and Shal in that ep. I wouldn't have minded the sex if it hadn't come off as a meaningless fling! I would rather that they had just kissed instead of that. Let's face it, TPTB BLEW IT! That's what made it interesting for so many fans. If it had been handled better, like the subtext with Lexa/Jess, it would have come off a lot more convincing and realistic. But I guess you can't win 'em all. This essay was really only to prove that there was a spark, and that a love-thing could have been possible. No more, no less.
Post by slidershal on Oct 3, 2004 17:10:19 GMT -5
Just a heads up:
As of Oct.7th the essay will be temporarily unavailable until Pure's new home is up and running. Don't worry...it'll be back
Post by Sweet-Feral on Oct 8, 2004 5:33:39 GMT -5
Oooh too bad i wanted to read it
Post by slidershal on Oct 8, 2004 19:56:59 GMT -5
It's okay Shifaa...I can still send you a copy ;D
Post by slidershal on Oct 31, 2004 14:53:21 GMT -5
'The BrenShal Thing' is back!
Read it on [url=http://www.mutantxphoenix.com/Pheonix/BrenShalT1.htm ]PhoeniX[/url] now!
Post by Sweet-Feral on Dec 11, 2004 8:35:29 GMT -5
Hi Cleo Your email had a virous i couldnt open it and that page doesnt work
Post by slidershal on Dec 12, 2004 20:17:25 GMT -5
Hmmm. Sorry about the email thing - the message must have picked it up en-route. *sigh* PhoeniX has probably changed the link without telling me lol. Just go to mutantxphoenix.com and you'll find it under 'thoughts'.
Post by Chatte Fitzgerald on Aug 25, 2005 13:08:23 GMT -5
The job you made is great!!!
Post by slidershal on Aug 25, 2005 19:04:13 GMT -5
Thanks dark! I put a lot of thought and effort into it
Post by Chatte Fitzgerald on Sept 1, 2005 11:11:31 GMT -5
You don't have to thank me,it is your job and it deservs all compliments because is great like i said!!Congrats!